Is your brand connecting?

Numerous touchpoints, multiple channels and fleeting connections - with more choice and more opportunities, how can you be sure you’re making the right decisions?

And how do you plan, activate and optimise marketing strategies in today’s disrupted world? Scroll down to hear more from CEOs and marketing experts.

Set a strategy that evolves with your audience

Getting under the skin of your target audience remains at the heart of successful marketing. By anticipating what drives people you can uncover the right opportunities for growth and create irresistible brands that always stay ahead.

Delve into some of the data covered by Connected Life, the world’s most comprehensive study of the connected consumer. Reaching 60,500 people across 50 countries, find out how it can help you answer key strategic questions.


Harness opportunities through insight-driven activation

Consistent, creative, relevant – criteria we all know marketing activity needs to meet.

However, the ever-changing landscape means we can no longer assume what people want. By drawing learnings from a range of data sources, it’s now possible to understand people’s thoughts, feelings and desires. This allows you to constantly evolve, so your brands live in the moment.

Watch experts talk about how brands are driving great marketing activation.


Assess your impact to stay ahead of the game

The right product and content, in the right place, at the right time will get the best outcome. Nail this and you’ll make sure people have an enjoyable brand or shopping experience.

You can then take a look at how you’ve performed, across all channels, to gauge how successful your attempts to woo people have been. This provides the intel required to continually improve your approach, creating loyal brand ambassadors along the way.

Hear experts talk about the biggest challenges in measuring performance.

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What are the five biggest opportunities when planning, activating and optimising marketing strategy in today’s disrupted world?

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Jonathan Sinton

Digital Director

+1 212 9916 090