With marketing budgets under increasing pressure, it is more important than ever to ensure that precious investment will lead to profit. New evidence from Kantar and WARC shows the important role creative quality can play in driving ROI.

We know that brands can ‘go dark’ for a short time without causing too much harm, but longer periods off-air can be damaging. And once the decline in your brand’s visibility sets in, it can be difficult to reverse. We know that early-stage ad testing progresses it towards a creative and effective finished result, but we now have empirical evidence that testing ads with Kantar’s Link ad testing solution also leads to a better return on marketing investment (ROMI) ‘profit’

New Kantar and WARC evidence proves that creative and effective ads generate more than four times as much profit.

In collaboration with WARC, we matched data from the WARC ROI database and Kantar’s Link ad testing database. WARC’s database contains over 1100 award entries and winners from around the world. These entries come from global case studies and regional strategy competitions. Kantar’s Link database of over 250000 global ads across all media channels includes validated metrics that measure the ability of an ad to drive short-term sales and build future brand demand. To look at the impact of creative quality on key brand metrics, we matched around 450 ads from Kantar’s Link database with ROMI profit figures from WARC’s database.


Looking at a combination of Link measures that assess creative quality in both the short and long term, we can now prove that the most creative and effective ads generate more than four times as much profit.

Link's creative quality measures have long been validated against sales volume and long-term brand equity outcomes and it remains the foremost cutting-edge ad testing tool. Now we have new evidence that the combination of those two metrics, short-term sales likelihood and future brand demand, can predict campaign profitability. 

Get in touch with our expert

Deniz Sariyildiz, Creative Effectiveness Director.