Optimising launch success

In today’s fragmented marketing environment, failure rates in innovation are higher than ever, and launching successful products is an increasing challenge.

Innovation success should be measured in terms of real growth. Launch eValuate uses individual modelling to give you the most accurate estimate of incremental volume and provide actionable insight to help you implement winning launches.


Questions that Launch eValuate can answer

  • Does the growth potential merit investing in the launch?
  • How can I optimise the launch plan to maximise ROI?
  • Which retailers offer the strongest fit for my launch?

Key benefits of using Launch eValuate 

  • Individual modelling provides a more accurate estimate of sales growth
  • Designed to forecast launches with limited above-the-line spend by modelling specific impact of awareness created in-store
  • More actionable launch planning advice on how to reach target consumers
  • Modules to measure the long term impact of promotions and word of mouth more accurately

Launch eValuate is one of our Innovation & Product Development research tools